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Wednesday 14 August 2019

The secret to success | Techhzz

Emotional Intelligence

It was a hot July afternoon. All the passengers on the university bus were experts in their fields and high-minded, but the heat was bad. Someone was abusing the government, then people had complaints and complaints in their language. Yes, if there was any comfort in the car, it was just the driver of the bus. Who was driving with great joy and satisfaction. Daniel Golman, a psychologist on the bus, was watching the scene. Based on these observations, he introduced the world to a new kind of intelligence called "emotional intelligence."

Daniel Golman

Daniel Golman in 1995 suggested that emotional intelligence is more important than human intelligence for human success. He took this idea from a bus driver who was not as intelligent as the other scholars and professors on the bus, but he had the best control over his emotions. He made two claims in his book. First, the role of an "IQ" (mental intelligence) in a person's success is only fifteen to twenty percent, while his "EQ" (emotional intelligence) is only eight to fifty percent. Secondly, emotional intelligence can be improved as opposed to mental intelligence. Daniel Goldman also described four ways or steps to improve emotional intelligence.

1. Self-awareness or self-recognition: Hazrat Ali (pbuh) said, "Whoever recognizes himself knows his Lord". To flow the river of our emotions in the right direction, we first need to know our own strengths and flaws. What makes you angry, what makes you happy, and what makes you sad. At what times did you face failure and tell you where to find success. Find out the answers to these questions and write down this information in your diary to get to know yourself. Then there will come a time when you have come to know yourself deeply enough, this first step is called self-realization.

2. Capacity of the organization of self: It is very fortunate for a person to know his own self, to know his own flaws and qualities. As a hadith implies, when a person is favored by Allah, they begin to look flawed. Whoever starts to see his evil, then he tries to rectify it. If we want to change the world, we must first change ourselves. What we like for ourselves, do the same for others. Never be afraid of anyone else, but trust in your God-given abilities. Always try to learn from life experiences. Never assume anything is final, always have the potential to change. Be sure to have a time in the day or night that is purely for your own self, in which you talk to yourself, answer questions to yourself and remember your good deeds and calculate your bad deeds. Organizing one's feelings, emotions, desires and habits in a particular direction for a larger purpose is called caste organization. To understand this in a simplified way, see one of the words of Wasif Ali Wasif: "Anger makes the big man and the little man eat". That is, by suppressing emotions, they take the form of a lava and do damage to the front and back, while placing them in the right direction increases human dignity.

3. We take heart and heart to others: The third step comes after the self-organization of others. Danielle Goldman says: "True empathy is not about feeling pain for others, but also to remedy that pain." What we mean by heart and heart is that humans think of themselves as being in another's place. Try to feel the pain of others. If so, thinking too hard can solve more than half of our problems because most of our priorities and focus are on what we are thinking. What is right for us, what our emotions are saying, but if we start to take care of the feelings and emotions of others as well, then this quality will make us different. In emotionally intelligent people this trait is filled with a coat. In all the successful and famous people of the world, the practice was commonplace that they understood the feelings of the people connected to them and carried them along.

4. Establishing better relationships with people: Understanding your emotions, getting your emotions in the right direction, and then understanding and understanding the feelings of others, is also the key step. Emotionally intelligent people also know how to communicate, to get up, and to have a good relationship with others. It's called "social intelligence". Just as wealth and fame are earned, so do we earn respect. If you do not know how to build a good relationship with others, then you can never become a good administrator, good teacher or good businessman, no matter how well-educated and skilled you are. Leading author Dale Ghani's book can be used for learning social intelligence.


Human is the most intelligent creature in the universe and many types of intelligence have been discovered at the moment. "Emotional intelligence" is one of the most important of these. Man wants to express his feelings in the world. It is the expression of the mother's feelings to kiss her child affectionately, to scream at the man's anger, and to hide from the fear of the adults. Emotion is a hidden energy within a human being that is desperate to escape. Now it is our job to learn to take these positive actions instead of letting them go free. Try to find out which emotion is better to use and where it is harmful. Learn to respond positively to life's small problems, so emotions begin to benefit. Personality builds confidence and it is easier and easier to deal with life's problems.

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